Operation: Latin America
"Serving the Indigenous and National people of Latin America"
A ministry of John Robles
Pleasant slide show of the trip, about 8 minutes
Cute boy singing, about a minute, nice ending!
Various clips from the trip. Mariachi's at the end!
Dedication of a church funded through a Dayton, OH church, New Years Eve, 2010
Operation Latin America is a
non-denominational Missionary
Organization touching the lives of thousands of Hispanic
people in Latin America
Maintaining the vision of the
founder, John Robles, whose vision is:
"To assist, build and enlarge the
Kingdom of God in Latin America by providing local churches
with the needed materials, physical and spiritual resources, as God provides
through His
corporate family."
Operation: Latin America, P.O. Box
10666, Fort Wayne, IN 46853
Phone: 260-637-7757 Fax: 260-637-7767
For information about future trips, email:
John, Cheryl, Michelle, and Paul just completed a trip to Spain
in November, 2011.
Below are some pictures.!
Mexico 2010 Shine from Bob G on Vimeo.
Mexico 2010 Give it Away from Bob G on Vimeo.
Operation: Latin America is a Non Profit 501 C3
organization registered with the US Government and the state of Indiana
Contributions can be sent to Operation: Latin America, P.O. Box 10666, Fort Wayne, IN 46853
and checks made out to Operation: Latin America